Tagged “climbers”

Wired plants

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Hot damn, that last post was over a year ago. Time has basically flown by, hasn't it? Who would have thought that I could possibly get distracted and forget to post on here on anything close to a regular basis?

Anyway, last time out I was talking about adding in some vertical posts, and hinted that I was going to do something with them. And I didn't get distracted then, and actually managed to deliver what I was intending to do.

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The first summer

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The first summer in the garden really only started once we got back from a holiday thanks to the timing. We'd been to couple of flower shows, picked up a few plants here and there, bought a bunch of cheap 'garden ready plug plant' offers, and then basically went away for two weeks and hoped that we didn't get too much sun in the meanwhile to kill them off. I'd made sure to water them in well over the weeks leading up to that, though, so I was reasonably relaxed about it.

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