Tagged “scaffold boards”

Scaffold Boards and Power Tools

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Okay, so it took me a while longer than intended to get around to the next post. Apologies for being such a tease, but I'm finally hear to tell you about the joys of scaffold boards and the many things that you can do with them. Why scaffold boards, though? Well, you'll have to go back to an earlier post for the full story, but the short version is that I had some leftover scaffold boards I'd been using inside the house, and couldn't get hold of anything else.

I managed to source some more scaffold boards to complete my cunning plans, but before I get into that side of things I need to talk about a rose. More particularly, the significance of the rose and why it has to take pride of place and to be such an important part of the social area.

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Gardening in Lockdown

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Lockdown DIY inside the house meant that I'd pretty much burned out in terms of effort. I had a month or two to take stock, see where things were at, and enjoy what was in place. In general, the garden was taking care of itself pretty well. The perennials that I'd planted were doing well, and we had established some initial structure in the garden to make it into a usable space.

We'd put some pots down the side of the patio/gravel area but they weren't quite enough of a borderline, and we realised that the seating area at the bottom by the pond just wasn't getting used at all - it was basically in the shade, too cold, and too far away to be of interest. We didn't need it, and it wasn't being used, but the main patio area got a lot of use so it didn't matter too much. We did start to plot about what else that area could be used for, though.

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